1、python 2.7下载安装(添加环境变量,重新打开cmd窗口)
在 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip#downloads 页面下载 pip-9.0.1.tar.gz然后解压
用CMD控制台进入解压目录,输入:python setup.py install
先cd 进入python27目录,bat文件内容:
pip install virtualenv virtualenv --system-site-packages robot3 cd robot3/scripts/ call activate.bat
pip install robotframework==3.0.2 pip install robotframework-ride== pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary==3.0.1 pip install robotframework-selenium2library pip install robotframework-excellibrary pip install robotframework-databaselibrary pip install pyodbc pip install robotframework-requests pip install -U robotframework-databaselibrary pip install chardet pip install pymysql python ./Scripts/ride.py
cd /d G:\downloads\robot3\Scripts
start python "ride.py"
E:\Python27\pythonw.exe -c "from robotide import main; main()"
在运行chrome测试时,如果报错(WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH),那么得下载驱动
----------ChromeDriver v2.35 (2018-01-10)---------- Supports Chrome v62-64 Resolved issue 2191: Executing JavaScript code fails if the script returns no result [[Pri-1]] Resolved issue 2183: Connections Aren't Persistent [[Pri-2]] Resolved issue 2207: Some mobile emulation devices do not work [[Pri-2]] Resolved issue 2177: Get local storage returns command names in Chrome 63 [[Pri-2]] Resolved issue 2179: absolute time on log entries [[Pri-2]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.34 (2017-12-10)---------- Supports Chrome v61-63 Resolved issue 2025: Incorrect navigation on Chrome v63+ [['Pri-0']] Resolved issue 2034: Error looking for "Timeline.start" in Chrome [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1883: Unable to emulate android devices with Chromedriver 2.30 [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 2103: Touch in mobile emulation doesn't work [[]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.33 (2017-10-03)---------- Supports Chrome v60-62 Resolved issue 2032: ChromeDriver crashes while creating DNS resolver [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1918: Get/SetWindowSize & Get/SetWindowPosition commands are failing on Chromev62+ [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 2013: Android 8.0.0 webviews not supported [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 2017: In mobileEmulation "element is not clickable" if it is outside the visible area [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1981: chromedriver does not respect excludeSwitches flag [['Pri-2']] Partially Resolved issue 2002: Add Cookie is not spec compliant [[]] Resolved issue 1985: FindElement raises the wrong error [[]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.32 (2017-08-30)---------- Supports Chrome v59-61 Resolved issue 1852: Error 'Element is not clickable at point' occurs on Chrome v61+ [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1950: DeleteCookie in Chrome v62 and Chromedriver v2.31 fails [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1942: ChromeDriver response in W3C mode is not standard compliant [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1910: Fails to retrieve default prompt text on Chrome v62+ [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1900: LaunchApp command throws UnknownError: cannot get automation extension on Mac and Windows Chrome v62+ [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1885: unknown error: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'String' in null [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1882: Chromedriver URI for Execute Async Script is not spec compliant [['Pri-3']] Resolved issue 1621: Implement session/<session id>/window/fullscreen command [['Pri-3']] Resolved issue 1896: Characters '3' and '#' are not being entered using SendKeys on Mac Chrome v62+ [[]] Resolved issue 1894: chromedriver 2.31 should be linked with glibc 2.17 [[]] Resolved issue 1740: ChromeDriver session handshake needs to be W3C compliant [[]] Resolved issue 1898: Wrong error is thrown while sending text to non prompt dialog. [[]] Resolved issue 1888: Chromedriver doesn't throw an exception when uploading an invalid file with selenium [[]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.31 (2017-07-21)---------- Supports Chrome v58-60 Resolved issue 1804: Flakiness when retrieving cookies using GetCookies command on Windows [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1879: Implement /session/{session id}/cookie/{name} command [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1860: WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: bad inspector message:"" when attempting to get page_source [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1293: Timed out receiving message from renderer on window.location change [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1849: ChromeDriver 2.30 AddCookie command uses incorrect default path [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1256: switchToFrame should throw StaleElementReferenceException in case the element is stale [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1786: Feature request: change chromeOptions to goog:chromeOptions [['Pri-3']] Resolved issue 1772: Chromedriver running against canary chrome w/ headless flag requires XVFB for sendKey interactions [[]] Resolved issue 727979: Failed to set Chrome's command line file on device for long command line [['Pri-3']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.30 (2017-06-07)---------- Supports Chrome v58-60 Resolved issue 644: ChromeDriver does not delete the profile & scoped_dir* folders after test exits [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1114: unknown error:Maximum call stack size exceeded on calling any webdriver command [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1773: ChromeDriver crashes when using console.time on Chromev58+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1526: mobileEmulation not working for the listed devices in the chrome [['Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1777: NoSuchFrameException is thrown when attempting to focus on a frame with protocol "chrome-extension://" within a page with protocol "https://" on Chrome 58 [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1779: testWindowMaximize is failing on Mac for Chrome v60+ [['OS-Mac', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1775: testShouldHandleNewWindowLoadingProperly failing on Chrome v60+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1796: Chromedriver failed to connect to Chrome on CrOS with latest canary build [[]] Resolved issue 1353: Sending text to Alert / Confirm dialog should throw element not visible exception [[]]
简单的test case
*** Settings *** Library Selenium2Library *** Test Cases *** Testcase1 Open Browser http://www.baidu.com chrome Input Text id=kw pukuimin Click Button id=su Sleep 4s Close Window
执行testcase,如果没错,就应该包含类似 1 passed 提示:
command: pybot.bat --argumentfile c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\RIDEgjsbp2.d\argfile.txt --listener E:\Python27\robot3\lib\site-packages\robotide\contrib\testrunner\TestRunnerAgent.py:10126:True E:\Python27\robot3\Scripts\testProject1 =========================================================================== testProject1 =========================================================================== testProject1.Testsuit1 =========================================================================== Testcase1 | PASS | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- testProject1.Testsuit1 | PASS | 1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed 1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed =========================================================================== testProject1 | PASS | 1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed 1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed =========================================================================== Output: c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\RIDEgjsbp2.d\output.xml Log: c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\RIDEgjsbp2.d\log.html Report: c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\RIDEgjsbp2.d\report.html test finished 20180125 22:27:41